Take control
When all around you is out of control, the best step forward is to focus on the things that you can control.
The one thing we have the most control over is ourselves – so put yourself first, your well-being first and as a result your resilience will be greater and the times ahead less of an uphill battle. We are all in this together.
Remember the four key pillars that our wellbeing rests upon:
This is my nemesis currently with the teething, sleep regressing, development leaping 6 month old is holding the strings on that one! But if you can, take yourself to bed 15 mins earlier than usual to read or journal and wind down.
This is so important for me and my mental health. At the very least a daily walk to sense the elements is helpful. Beyond that there are so many wonderful and free resources out there. Why not try something new? The aim is to just get your body moving.
Stuck in a rut and find yourself cooking the same old simple meals? Try a couple of weeks of meal planning focusing on eating the rainbow. Eat fresh, eat varied, and try as you can to avoid the treats – tough but you’ll feel proud and all the better for it.
Relax & Nurture
Take what you can. It can be tricky. If you can find some daily space then perhaps meditate, if that’s difficult then lock the bathroom door for a bath one evening. My walks contribute to this element for me … being outdoors and taking a mindful walk can be just what the head and soul needs.
We are all in the same sea, but travelling in different boats. We can’t control what’s happening but we can exert some control or choice on our own environment. You’ve got this, we’ve got this!